Support AMSAF

Give to AMSAF

Becoming an AMSAF sponsor is a powerful way to support the Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Foundation’s mission to reduce motorcycle-related injuries and fatalities. Making contributions to AMSAF is another impactful way to support their lifesaving work. Grants made to AMSAF significantly bolster the foundation’s capacity to implement and sustain its programs.

Giving: Donate vs Contribute

At AMSAF, we deeply appreciate the generosity of those who give. AMSAF accepts both donations and contributions. Donations refer specifically to financial support, while contributions can be either financial or in the form of services, reflecting your passion for AMSAF’s work in the community.

AMSAF is a growing nonprofit 501(c)(3) Foundation that operates as a business. Our work is not possible without the support of individuals, businesses, and our community.

Sponsors, Contributions, and Grants

Sponsors are vital in funding key programs, such as discounted motorcycle training courses and helmet assistance initiatives. By partnering with AMSAF, sponsors contribute to motorcyclists’ safety and gain visibility and recognition within the community through branding and promotional opportunities at AMSAF events and programs.

Donations from individuals and organizations directly fund initiatives like the Share the Road campaign and first-response education through partnerships with Accident Scene Management. Contributions also help provide scholarships for motorcycle training, making it accessible to more riders and expanding AMSAF’s reach and effectiveness in promoting motorcycle safety and awareness across Arizona.

Grants, sought from governmental bodies, private foundations, and corporate entities, enhance educational outreach, develop new safety initiatives, and provide critical resources such as high-quality helmets to riders. Securing grants ensures that AMSAF can continue its mission with robust support, driving efforts to make Arizona’s roads safer for all users. By becoming a sponsor, making a contribution, or providing a grant, you become an essential part of AMSAF’s mission to save lives and promote road safety.

Become a Sponsor

The following is a list of companies, organizations, and individuals that have supported or made a financial contribution to AMSAF through Sponsorship, Contributions, or Grants. Please join one of these groups and help AMSAF achieve its goal of creating strategic alliances, scholarships, and training opportunities.

What do you get at each level?

The Arizona Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Foundation programs are only possible with sponsors. These organizations work closely with AMSAF to raise awareness and funds for our projects. We are truly thankful for their commitment. Please support all our sponsors; by supporting them, you support AMSAF. Please join one of these groups and help AMSAF achieve its goal of creating strategic alliances, scholarships, and training opportunities.

Financial donations, from being a Friend of AMSAF to our Full Throttle sponsorship covers the funding for the operating costs of AMSAF, scholarships, events sponsored by AMSAF, amongst other items. With our Grant Funding and our Super Grant Funding, all of the monies collected here go straight to scholarships, 100% of it, every penny.

Join us today and you too can help.

Less Than $1500 1st Gear Sponsorship (Level 6)

  • name recognition on the AMSAF website
  • business card ad in the AMSAF newsletter

$1500+ 2nd Gear Sponsorship (Level 5)

  • name recognition on the AMSAF website
  • half-page ad in AMSAF Newsletter
  • plaque
  • name on banner and/or promotional screen display at AMSAF events

$5000+ 3rd Gear Sponsorship (Level 4)


  • name recognition on the AMSAF website
  • half-page ad in AMSAF Newsletter
  • plaque
  • name on banner and/or promotional screen display at AMSAF events
  • ad on the AMSAF website

$10000+ Full Throttle Sponsorship (Level 3)

  • name recognition on the AMSAF website
  • half-page ad in AMSAF Newsletter
  • plaque
  • name on banner and/or promotional screen display at AMSAF events

$20000+ Grant Funding Recognition (Level 2)

  • name recognition on the AMSAF website
  • half-page ad in AMSAF Newsletter
  • plaque
  • name on banner and/or promotional screen display at AMSAF events
  • ad on the AMSAF website

$100000+ Super Grant Funding Recognition (Level 1)

  • name recognition on the AMSAF website
  • half-page ad in AMSAF Newsletter
  • plaque
  • name on banner and/or promotional screen display at AMSAF events
  • ad on the AMSAF website
  • company logo displayed in AMSAF media promotions

Join us. Because safety matters.