AMSAF Executive Director's Letter

Who We Are
For more than 13 years, Arizona Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Foundation (AMSAF) has played a leading role in the effort to reduce the number of crashes and fatalities because of distracted driving and a lack of motorcycle training.
AMSAF works with numerous business partners and sponsors including local businesses, healthcare entities, the State of Arizona, police departments, legal, insurance and other entities, and individuals, to help decrease the number of distracted and DUI-impaired drivers and to provide scholarships, statewide, to train motorcyclists how to ride more defensively.
Our One-of-a-Kind Programs
Too many riders have no formal training, which is dangerous in terms of defensive riding and our programs give them the tools they need and provide riders with their needed endorsement. AMSAF steadily built its reputation after creating the first discounted Scholarship program for training motorcycle riders statewide and has helped more than six thousand individuals and families in Arizona.
AMSAF next developed, and continues to promote, a helmet assistance program that helps individuals garner a high-quality DOT full face or modular helmet for major savings. The program is growing in popularity and support, with 2,000-plus people already enjoying critical helmet safety. Myriad motorcycle businesses and suppliers embrace the program.
The non-profit next became a spokesperson and committed supporter of Share the Road, a statewide Arizona effort to build an even stronger awareness about the need for Arizonans to share the road and not be undistracted while driving. Share the Road is a statewide public awareness effort aimed at focusing Arizona motorists and riders on the critical need to be undistracted when driving.
Most recently, AMSAF began partnering with Accident Scene Management to help reduce crashes and fatalities at the scene of motor vehicle crashes. Accident Scene Management (ASM), DBA Road Guardians, is a non-profit organization established in 1996. The mission of the organization is to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists through first response education. ASM is the largest and most recognized motorcycle trauma training organization in the world. Its specialists teach academic classes to motorcyclists, introducing a logical approach to minimizing injuries. Critical skills such as moving the injured, helmet removal, jaw thrust rescue breathing and tourniquet, and all are demonstrated and practiced.
Since the beginning, AMSAF has believed in education. Education, safety, and awareness are part of our expanding mission to help the community.
Community Outreach
Our devoted partners help us plan great interactive public events, provide intense promotion through news, social media, newsletters, ads, themed billboards, marketing collateral with purpose and amazing campaigns and programs.
However, AMSAF offers so much more. We support our local police departments and get involved in key community events like Motorcycle Public Safety Days put on by the local Police.
The fact is, we could not complete our programs without the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety grants. The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) has been a close partner with AMSAF since our inception. And we want to continue to grow together.
To date, AMSAF has helped more than nine thousand people financially get into our programs throughout the State. So, when it comes to safety awareness behind the wheel of a moving vehicle, nothing can be more important than the dissemination of safety advice and timely information. There are hundreds of people moving to Arizona every month making our roads even more busy and dangerous, which will increase our challenge, but we are up to it with the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and numerous other partners helping us now, and into the future.
Warmest regards,