Who is AMSAF?
Who is AMSAF?
AMSAF collaborates with a variety of partners, including local businesses, healthcare entities, the State of Arizona, police departments, legal entities, and individuals, to reduce distracted and DUI-impaired driving. They also offer statewide scholarships for defensive motorcycle riding training. “We could not complete our programs without the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety grants,” says Mick Degn, AMSAF executive director.
AMSAF established its reputation by introducing the first discounted motorcycle training statewide, addressing the risk posed by untrained riders. Degn emphasizes the program’s role in equipping riders with defensive riding skills and endorsements. Additionally, AMSAF’s helmet assistance program has become popular, offering high-quality helmets at significant savings, supported by many motorcycle businesses and suppliers.

The non-profit supports the Share the Road initiative, a statewide effort to raise awareness about the importance of undistracted driving. This campaign aims to remind Arizona motorists and riders of the critical need to focus on driving without distractions. AMSAF’s commitment to this cause reflects its broader mission of promoting road safety.
Recently, AMSAF partnered with Accident Scene Management (ASM) to reduce motor vehicle crash fatalities and injuries. ASM, known for its motorcycle trauma training, educates motorcyclists on first-response techniques, including injury minimization, helmet removal, and tourniquet usage. Degn highlights AMSAF’s dedication to education, safety, and awareness in their mission to serve the community.
AMSAF’s primary goal is to enhance motorcycle safety and awareness, aiming to reduce crashes and fatalities in Arizona. Recognizing that motorcycle crashes affect the entire community, the organization stresses the shared responsibility of all road users. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, AMSAF relies on donations, sponsorships, and grants to continue its lifesaving work. Donations to AMSAF are tax-deductible and support their mission to save lives.

Mission Statement – To promote motorcycle safety and public awareness and to help reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities in Arizona; recognizing that everyone has the duty and responsibility to share the road.
~Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety

This is AMSAF’s mission. We are Arizona motorcyclists working for our fellow riders.
And, with your tax-deductible contribution, here is how we will meet our goals:
Promote media campaigns and public safety announcements
Develop motorcycle education, training, and awareness programs
Support legislation that directly affects motorcycle safety and awareness
Support rider training programs
Vision and Objectives
We aim to foster a safe, motorcycle-friendly environment for all Arizona motorcyclists. Our plans:
Produce public service announcements, seminars, and videos with the theme, “Watch out for motorcycles”
Produce educational materials emphasizing the importance of riding responsibly and the perils of impairment
Create a multi-media marketing campaign using television, radio, billboards, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet to promote motorcycle safety and awareness
Work with the Arizona Department of Transportation to minimize hazardous road conditions for motorcycles
Our Start